About Silae Data Feeds


Available Data Feeds

Daily Loss Time Data

One of the key avenue to improve productivity is focusing on minimizing production losses. This begins with identifying and addressing your largest sources of loss. This helps focusing attention on the smallest set of improvement actions that will yield biggest results.

Silaé Loss Time Report report is particularly effective for identifying and addressing problematic hotspots of production. You can use this report for implementing Agile principles: short cycles of work, coupled with frequent delivery of results, driving continuous improvement.

loss-time-data Schema

Weekly Loss Time Data

loss-time-data Schema

Daily Production Metrics

Daily Production Metrics dataset provides users with a real-time streaming of dozens of most critical datapoints from their production shop floor. These data feeds can power a large range of dashboards to represent important information in graphical form, automate sending of email reports, generate notifications and much more.

Daily Production Metrics Table Schema

Production Floor Machine Events Data

Use this dataset to get every single event data from your factory floor. For aggregated shift and session (shift hour) data ready for analysis, please use the Daily Production Metrics table.

Production Floor Machine Events Data Table Schema

Orders and Production Lines

This dataset provides you with a large range of contextual information on your orders and allows you to integrate with other datasets to create combinations for deep analytics. It powers reports such as comparing different buyers on unit profitability, complexity of styles by purchase orders, differentials in unit costing and profitability by preparing staff etc.

Orders and Production Lines

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is a data feed?

  • TBD

How can I use a data feed?